A few years ago, we designed a route of typical stone dry constructions. Discover the nearest vineyard shacks, recently restored and documented. You will approach, in a different way, the day to day of our ancestors.
És una ruta paisatgística, senyalitzada i documentada, per conèixer una part de l’estil de vida tradicional. Forma part de la finca de Biosca.
Molt a prop d’El Mas, hi trobareu la Font d’El Mas. Hi ha una taula de pedra on hi podreu esmorzar, berenar, jugar o fer-la petar.
Sala de jocs singular que compta amb cinc espais de joc diferents, en funció dels interessos de l’infant i de l’adult. Dissenyada per educadores des d’una perspectiva holística.
A historic city, full of heritage and elements of interest. Friday is the day of the market in Cervera. Throughout the year, celebrations and meaningful activities are celebrated in this city.
Religious center, Benedictine Monastery, and space of great patrimonial interest. Neuralgic Center of the Baroque Route. More information